Saturday, September 30, 2023



I did a screen grab from a beautiful scene in an excellent show I've been watching. It's from season 3, episode 7. If you haven't seen the show, I highly recommend it. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

"Estate Sale Find"


I stopped in at an estate sale down the street this summer. What an interesting house. From the street, it looked rather modest. But inside it was huge. And the backyard went on forever. The owner was some kind of collector. He or she had tons of everything. Dolls. Recored. Toys. You name it. This was one of the bedrooms, filled with Barbie dolls and just regular old dolls. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"Yorkshire Dales"


Further adventures in watercolors. This is a scene out the window of our train on our way to York. It just looked so peaceful. Maybe the next time we visit the UK, we'll do some hiking in the Dales. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

"The Mitre"


One of the many beautiful sights on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. 
This time, rendered in watercolor. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

"Edison's Workbench"


Spent an afternoon at Greenfield Village recently. While there, we stopped in at Edison's Ft. Meyer's lab. It was transported in tact from there and it was so cool checking out the genius's lab. I got a couple pix that I'll be turning into paintings. This is the first one. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

"St. Giles-Dusk"


I loved the way the setting sun made this cathedral glow. I added some people in the foreground, which looked stupid. I've said it meanly times before, I just can't draw people. They look comical, IMO. Either I quit putting them in my paintings, or I learn how to render them. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

"Studebaker Watertower"


This is a view from the Ford Piquette, where I have a part-time job giving historic tours in old Ford Model As. I was there on an early morning about two weeks ago and this just grabbed my attention. I had to commit this to canvas! When it was done, I thought it had a Hopper-esque feel to it. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

"St. Mary's Edinburgh"


Discovered this beautiful church while wandering around Edinburgh. 
Absolutely stunning! 

Friday, September 15, 2023

"The Boys of Summer"


My wife was cleaning out our basement and she found some old baseball bats that have been collecting dust for many years. She brought them upstairs and set them out on our patio. I left them exactly where they were and did this painting of them. After naming them after a great baseball book, I though maybe I should have titled it, "The Toys of Summer." I think either one works. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

"Goh for the Fruit"


I did a watercolor sketch of this scene before committing it to canvas. I think it helps with working out the colors. Obviously I did this in a Van Gogh style. I also looked through a book of his paintings before starting it. I think it turned out okay. I'd probably skip the dark outlines next time. 

Monday, September 11, 2023



For a few days a year, right around the Summer Solstice, the sun hits my closet doors in my bedroom. It's just so dramatic looking. This year I decided to commit it to canvas. Here's the result!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

"Packard Reflections"


After sitting idle for over 60 years, the old Packard last is finally coming down. I just hope they manage to keep some of it as a reminder of Detroit's automotive history. It was designed by Albert Kahn, and it was truly built to last. I did manage to get a couple bricks as souvenirs art weekend. I hope to get a few more. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023



I thought I'd try a looser version of some Black-eyed Susans (or whatever these things are). I was attempting to give them a Van Gogh feels to the painting 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023



A little watercolor sketch I did on a postcard I did for my younger daughter. This was the freighter at the National Museum of the Great Lakes in Toledo we visited a few weeks ago. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

"Fruit Bowl Study"


A little watercolor sketch I did in reparation for a painting I'm planning. It's going to be in a Van Gogh/Matisse style. Let's see if it turns out okay. 

Sunday, September 3, 2023

"Her Majesty's Intercom"


On our recent trip to the UK, we visited Edinburgh. One of the highlights of the beautiful city was a tour of the Britannia, Queen Elizabeth's yacht. What an amazing vessel it was. When it was retired about 10 years ago, a non-profit was formed and their bid to obtain the ship won. So now it's harbored in Edinburgh. This is one of the little details of the ship I found so fascinating. I took a boatload of pix, so look for more paintings to come!

Friday, September 1, 2023

"Cherry Chairry"


I love the shadows the windows made on our red leather chair. I'm not sure if anyone will get the 
Peewee Herman reference in the title. 

"Window Weirdo"

  Spotted this odd window somewhere in eastern Pennsylvania while visiting my cousin.