Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"Window Silliness"

Packrats? Guilty! We have a bunch of tchotchkes on the window sill in our kitchen. It started with a few interesting rocks we've accumulated over the years and has grown to the point where we have a hard time turning the window crank. The cars are these funky miniature vehicles from Africa made from recycled tin cans. One day I thought, "Hey, this scene might make an interesting painting." And? Well, you decide. 

1 comment:

  1. I am a painter and instructor. Some constructive criticism ; Eliminate black and be sparing with white. Study the color wheel and color theory. Use other colors to attain lights an darks. Finally, look at colors as they really are, not as you assume them to be.


McNichols-San Juan Bank"

  Just another one of the beautiful old bank buildings to be found all over the city of Detroit.