Thursday, June 24, 2021

"Aye. Pads"


One of the amazing lily ponds at Longwood Gardens. What an overwhelming experience being al the greenhouses there. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"Blue Bird Inn"


I've heard about this legendary bar since I was a kid. All the jazz greats played here and Miles Davis had a long term gig here back in the day. I think he was the house band for several months in the late 50s or early 60s. And of course, John Coltrane played here. So while I was out looking for old banks on the west side of detroit, I finally spotted this place. What a great find. I heard a rumor it's gotten some kind of historic designation and there's a drive to preserve and restore it. It's about time! We can't let relics like this pass through our fingertips. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

"Lake Effect"


A fellow artist said it reminded her of fishes. I think it looks more like waves. Hence the title. 

"Detroit Sunset"

After I got finished playing around, I took a look at what I'd created and decided it actually did look like a Detroit sunset!




A first attempt at abstract art. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

"Shadow of the Rose"


Mid-morning, I noticed these deep shadows against our neighbor's house. And I liked the way the shadow of my survivor rose looked at the bottom. I call it that because I bought the rose several years ago and it did nothing for months. So I yanked it out of the ground and left it on a pile of weeks, just waiting for trash day. The day before I put it out I noticed it was blooming, bare roots and all. I figured if it had that much of a will to not only survive, but bloom, it certainly deserved a place in my garden. So I planted it next to our driveway. And it's done pretty well for itself ever since. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

"Lettuce Alone"


We put a container of lettuce on a small table on our driveway to keeps the rabbits from munching on it. I looked out the window one afternoon and it looked so unique. It was pretty monochromatic except for the lettuce leaves. The shadows are quite a bit more subtle in the original, but once again, even with PhotoShop, you can only get so close to rendering what a painting looks like.  

Saturday, June 12, 2021



While driving around the west side of Detroit looking for abandoned bank buildings, I found this classic slider joint. It had a sad and lonely look to it and I thought it would make an interesting painting. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

"Japanese Iris"

Absolutely beautiful flowers. It took me a little bit of patient missing and experimenting to get the purple right. But ultimately, I think it turned out okay. I think I need to add some of these to my garden. 


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

"Sue's Clematis"


My sister-in-law has a green thumb. everything she plants seems to thrive. Like this beautiful clematis she grew. Great job Sue! 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

"Estate Sale Flower"


I recently went to an estate sale with my wife. While waiting outside for her to finish browsing, I noticed these greenish white flowers on a big bush. I took a couple snaps and them painted it. I believe it's a dogwood bush, but I'm not sure, If anyone knows for certain, please feel free to email me. Confirmed. It is indeed a dogwood. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

"Tri-color Beech Leaves"


I recently found a Trip-color Beech at a local park. I had ever heard of this tree, and it had the coolest leaves. so I grabbed a few and did this paint-sketch of them. I learn something new every day. Or at least I hope to. 

"Window Weirdo"

  Spotted this odd window somewhere in eastern Pennsylvania while visiting my cousin.