Saturday, July 31, 2021



Spotted a big pot of these and thought they'd make a nice subject. Don't know why but I've been doing a lot of paintings pf flowers lately. Tis the season I guess. 

Friday, July 30, 2021



Another in the "One Word" series. When I found this word I thought of a rock that had lapis lazuli and copper in it. This is what I cam up with. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

"Random Objects. Or are they?" Number 5


Number five in the series. If you have any suggestions of objects to include in future paintings in this series, please feel free to email me! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021



I'm now calling this my "One Word" series where I pick out a word at random from the dictionary and attempt to convey the concept in a painted form. This one's called "Laundry" and I wanted to give the impression of colorful laundry on a clothesline, blowing in the wind. 

"Sweet Basil"


Well, our herb garden is coming into its own. So I'll be doing a series of sketch paintings of many of them. Lots of fun for painting and cooking!

Monday, July 26, 2021

"Painters Palette"


I got this plant from a friend. What strange looking leaves. It's a really cool plant, however, it does have a tendency to take over. I've been told to cut the flowers off  before they go to seed. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

"Red Coneflowers"


While hiking at a local park, I came across a bed of red, yellow, and purple coneflowers. What a bright and cheery sight! I figured I needed to paint these red ones.They were so bright, I'm not sure a painting could do them justice, but I think I came pretty close. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021



Sometimes it pays to look up! If I hadn't, I would have missed these glorious flowers. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"Tool Room"


Next in the "My Word" series. I thought of the way our tool room looks--actually it's a corner in our laundry room. It has a bunch of shelves loaded with crap I'll probably never use. I'm not exactly a handyman. Just ask my wife. Then I thought of the red and yellow handles of the various tools and voila! Here you have it! 

Sunday, July 18, 2021



The beginning of my "My Word" series of abstract paintings. Picking a random word out of the dictionary and attempting to depict in an an abstract expressionist manner. I did this one using only palette knives to spread the paint around 

"Midnight. Motown"


Just a view of the Detroit skyline reduced to its essentials. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021



I'm starting a new project Im calling the "My Word" series. I'm picking out random words from the dictionary and then trying to capture the word in an abstract expressionistic style of painting. Here's my first attempt. As you can tell by the title, the word is "keyboard". I'm finding painting in an abstract manner is rather freeing. When I paint in a realistic way I'm constantly looking at it and comparing it with reality. In abstract painting, I look it as its own entity. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

"Woodward Water Tower"


We were downtown (Detroit) a few weeks ago on a Friday evening. It was a pretty lively scene, since the Tigers were in town and lot's of folks we hanging out. It definitely looked like a storm was coming. I gazed up and saw this water tower, hiding behind one of the old classic buildings. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

"Redbud Rebellion"


Every Spring I'm bedazzled by the two Redbud trees we have in front of our house. We got them from my wife's aunt and uncle and every spring we think of them. I'm also amazed at the crop of blooms that appear on the larger branches of the trees. The intense colors are absolutely breathtaking! 

Monday, July 5, 2021

"After the Flood"


After a torrential down pouring last weekend, we ended up with 18" of water in our basement. It's been destroyed and I've spent the last week hauling stuff out to the curb. Big fun! I decided to do an abstract expressionism take on the scene. Here's the result. 

Friday, July 2, 2021



I attended the "Motor Muster" at Greenfield Village recently. Tons of classic cars. I was particularly intrigued by the cool hood ornaments. Lots of jet-age themed ones. So I took a bunch of pix and hope to do a whole series of them. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021



Now that summer's here and I recently replanted our herb garden, I'm going to do a series of herb sketches. This is the second or third installment. Look for a boatload more of these!

"Window Weirdo"

  Spotted this odd window somewhere in eastern Pennsylvania while visiting my cousin.