Sunday, October 31, 2021

"Hosta La Vista!"

On a late afternoon walk a few weeks ago, I noticed how the sun was creating these interesting lines on some Hosta leaves. I think I could do a whole series of these paintings. Hmmm...




I bought this old radio from my friend "The Hawk" many years ago. It's been sitting on my dresser gathering dust and I figured it was time to paint it. It's from the mid-50's and the last time I plugged it in, it still worked! 

Sunday, October 24, 2021



A couple weeks ago I bought a basic set of oils that can be cleaned with soap and water. This is my first attempt at an oil painting and I'm not really pleased with the outcome. I approached it just like I do with acrylics, which didn't work out very well. I did the background and then painted the flowers and branches. Now I see how to successful paint in oils, you need to block in the painting and work on the whole thing at once. Pretty frustrating experience. I think I'll stick with acrylics for now. I'll give oils another shot down the road. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

"Parking Lot Apparition"


I was walking around our local park a couple weeks ago, noticing the interesting reflections in the puddles. Then I saw this huge one and my shadow and thought it would make an interesting painting. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Another one of my "One Word" paintings. To me, I thought of a swear word and how it can sort of blast out and hit various people. That's about the best explanation of how I got to the composition above. I started out with brushes, and then used a palette knife to finish it. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

"Reflecting Puddle"


After a recent rainstorm (Ha, that's seems like just about every day this summer and fall) I hiked around our city park. The sky was full of billowy clouds and I notice this reflection. Just had to paint it. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

"True Tiger Lily"


This was from a friend's incredible garden. He pointed out that this was a true Tiger Lily--many folks erroneously call orange day Lillies Tiger Lillies. For this painting, I painted the whole canvas crane, then shaped the flower and filled in the background. I thought I'd keep it simple. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

"Pine Cone Meet Sidewalk"


On a walk in the late afternoon a couple weeks ago I noticed this pine cone on the sidewalk. It cast this long shadow and was nestled among a bunch of pine needles. I thought it looked pretty cool. The painting didn't photograph well--the shadow actually looks a lot better in real life. I played around with Photoshop but this was the best I could do. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

"Blocks #5"


In this latest installment of my Mondrian-Inspired series, I decided to use only earth tome paints. I think it has an earthy, Autumn feel to it. Not sure how many more I'll do but they sure are fun!

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Keystone Movie Camera"


I got this as a gift from my son-in-law and finally got around to painting it. What a cool little movie camera. The remarkable thing is how much this thing weighs! It's like a brick! 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

"Pine Upside Down"


Saw this huge puddle after one this summer's monster rain storms. I loved seeing the clouds and trees reflected on its surface and decided it was worth committing to canvas. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"Peace Out"


The Peace Lily is such an interesting plant/flower. This one was in bloom in the Belle Isle Conservatory. Always amazed to see the wide variety of plants there. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

"Maple Leaf Raga"

Early this summer I was hiking in a local park. The maple trees were in their full glory. I spotted this interestingly shaped tree and took a snap of it. I finally got around to painting it. 


Friday, October 1, 2021

"Here Come the Sunflowers"

I used a different technique for this one. Since yellow doesn't cover very well, I decided to paint the entire canvas yellow. Then I went back and added the background and forked on the details of the sunflowers. I like the loose feel of the finished work. 


"Giant Gouramis"

  A couple very playful fish at the Bell Isle Aquarium. These two are affectionately known  as Fred & Ginger. Perfect names for them!