Sunday, March 20, 2022

"A Good Knight's Rest"


Here goes a long story! I've been to New York City countless times over the years. But it wasn't until a trip there there years ago that I finally got around to visiting the Cloisters. I don't know why I've missed it, what with me being a Medieval History major. The place was spectacular and I could have spent several days there. This was right about the time I decided to seriously devote to teaching myself  how to paint.

Well, I've always had a hard time painting the human figure and human faces. They always end up looking like they were done by a five-year old. And an untalented one at that. I started this painting when I got back but got pretty frustrated in how it was turning out. I put it aside figuring I'd finish it down the road when I got better at drawing figures That never happened. So I decided to just go for it and finish it. As you can see, I haven't improved at all. But at least it's done and I can move on, knowing my severe limitations. 

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"Radio Daze-5"

  A handsome radio with beautiful wood.