Thursday, May 9, 2019


Just about everyone in the Detroit area of a certain age has fond memories of the venerable Sanders. There was one about 5 blocks away from my house growing up. Sitting at the beautiful marble counter was truly something special. Absolutely the best malted milks on the planet! And I had a great aunt who worked at a Sanders back in the day, and she claims to have met Fred Sanders, which I have a hard time believing. But my first advertising boss, Jefe, knew one of the Sanders heirs. And she was adamant about the pronunciation of her family name. It's SAND-ers. Not SAUND-ers. I did this painting from some archival photos, and from photos of the building which is still in use in the Village in GP. 

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McNichols-San Juan Bank"

  Just another one of the beautiful old bank buildings to be found all over the city of Detroit.