Wednesday, June 5, 2019

"Two Lips"

For Mother's Day, my older daughter brought a couple bunches of tulips from her boyfriend's moms yard. They were without a doubt the biggest and most intensely-colored tulips I've ever seen. I simply had to paint these. So I took photos of them and started in on a painting. Well, I've never done any painting like this before and it was a tad daunting. The canvas sat in my studio for a couple weeks. Finally I said, "let's do this!" I put several dabs of paint on a pallet and had at it and I think it took me less than an hour to complete. It's kind of refreshing to paint so quickly and spontaneously. I think this may be the start of a series. 

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McNichols-San Juan Bank"

  Just another one of the beautiful old bank buildings to be found all over the city of Detroit.